AI Chat
Customize the chat experience for the Inkeep widgets.
Settings for Inkeep's AI-powered chat features, including ai assistant's personality, workflows, tools, and UI customization.
Basic Configuration
AI Assistant Settings
Configure the AI assistant's personality and appearance:
Option | Type | Required | Description |
aiAssistantName | string | No | Display name for the AI assistant |
chatSubjectName | string | No | Topic/product the assistant specializes in |
placeholder | string t | No | Input field placeholder text |
introMessage | string | No | Welcome message (supports markdown) |
aiAssistantAvatar | string | { light: string, dark: string } | No | URL for ai assistant's avatar (40x40px recommended) |
userAvatar | string | No | URL for user's avatar image |
Example Questions
Configure suggested questions for users to quickly start conversations:
Option | Type | Required | Description |
exampleQuestions | string[] | No | Pre-defined questions for quick access |
exampleQuestionsLabel | string | No | Custom heading for example questions section |
isFirstExampleQuestionHighlighted | boolean | No | Emphasize the first question; useful for highlighting the most common question |
Chat Features
Control chat sharing and interaction options:
Option | Type | Required | Description |
isShareButtonVisible | boolean | No | Enable chat sharing functionality |
shareChatUrlBasePath | string | No | Base URL for shared chats |
isCopyChatButtonVisible | boolean | No | Show copy chat button |
shouldOpenLinksInNewTab | boolean | No | Open links in new tab |
isViewOnly | boolean | No | Prevent sending new messages |
chatId | string | No | Load specific chat session |
Disclaimer Settings
Configure AI usage disclaimers:
Option | Type | Required | Description |
disclaimerSettings | AIChatDisclaimerSettings | No | AI usage disclaimer configuration |
Help Actions
Configure help and support options, with the action they perform:
See Actions for more details on the actions
Option | Type | Required | Description |
getHelpOptions | GetHelpOption[] | No | Additional help/support options |
Configure custom tools for the AI assistant:
Option | Type | Required | Description |
getTools | getTools: (ctx: ToolContext) => ToolFunction<any>[] | No | Custom tools for the AI assistant |
See Tools for more details on tools
Custom Labels
Customize button and action labels:
Option | Type | Required | Description |
toolbarButtonLabels | AIChatToolbarButtonLabels | No | Custom button label text |
Provide additional context or instructions for the AI assistant. prompts
apply to the entire chat session, not just the first message.
Option | Type | Required | Description |
prompts | string[] | No | System-level instructions that guide the AI's behavior and responses. Use these to define the assistant's personality, knowledge boundaries, and response style. |
Contextual prompts
Contextual prompts can be used to provide additional details about the user that might be helpful information for the ai assistant to consider while answering.
Often, this is used to dynamically provide information about the user that can be inferred by their account (if authenticated to your application) or based on the page they are currently viewing.
For providing context based on the user:
For providing context based on a product:
Guidance prompts
Guidance prompts can be used to customize the behavior of the ai assistant response using natural language. You can think of guidance prompts as custom instructions for the large language model.
We've already optimized chat responses to have proper guardrails for staying on topic, tone, brand-protection, etc.
However, guidance prompts are useful when you want to go beyond the default behavior.
Checkout the Custom Guidance article for tips on how to use it.