
Add AI Chat to your Framer website

What is Framer

Framer is a tool for creating interactive websites.

Get an API key

  1. Go to the Inkeep Dashboard
  2. Select your project under Projects
  3. Go to the Integrations tab
  4. Click on Create integration
  5. Select Web
  6. Provide a Name.
  7. Specify a URL for where this integration will be used.
  8. For production API keys, leave Enforce referrer URL checked.
  9. Click on Create
  10. Click the Example < /> button to get your API key and view suggested settings

For local or staging API keys, see here.

Connect the script

  1. Open Site Settings in the drop-down menu
  2. Click on the Open Settings tab
  3. Go to the General section
  4. Add the below to the Start of <head> tag section
<script id="inkeep-script" src="" type="module" defer></script>

Creating the container

Add a widget container to the page using the built-in Framer functionality.

  1. Select an area to add a container
  2. Select the Embed item in the Utility section
  1. Add an html element to the page
  1. Specify the ID of the container to be inkeepEmbeddedChat

Initialize the widget

For multi page sites

If your site is not a single page application (SPA), load the Inkeep script on the page with the Inkeep container element.

  1. Open Site Settings in the drop-down menu
  2. Click on the Open Settings tab
  3. Select the page that has the Inkeep container element (under the Page settings section)
  4. Next, paste the script below into the End of <body> tag section:
<script defer>
  const inkeepScript = document.getElementById("inkeep-script");
  // configure and initialize the widget
  const addInkeepWidget = () => {
    const inkeepWidget = Inkeep().embed({
      componentType: "EmbeddedChat",
      targetElement: document.getElementById("inkeepEmbeddedChat"),
      properties: {
        stylesheetUrls: ["/path/to/stylesheets"], // optional
        baseSettings: {
          apiKey: "INKEEP_API_KEY", // required
          integrationId: "INKEEP_INTEGRATION_ID", // required
          organizationId: "INKEEP_ORGANIZATION_ID", // required
          primaryBrandColor: "#26D6FF", // your brand color, widget color scheme is derived from this
          organizationDisplayName: "Inkeep",
          // ...optional settings,
        modalSettings: {
          // optional settings
        searchSettings: {
          // optional settings
        aiChatSettings: {
          // optional settings
          botAvatarSrcUrl: "", // use your own bot avatar
          quickQuestions: [
            "Example question 1?",
            "Example question 2?",
            "Example question 3?",
  inkeepScript.addEventListener("load", () => {
    if (document.body) addInkeepWidget(); // initialize the widget

For single page sites (SPAs)

If your site is a single page application, you will need to load the Inkeep script in the <head> tag in the General section (that will be loaded on every page) and use the MutationObserver to track whether the inkeepEmbeddedChat element is in the DOM before initializing the widget (see example below).

  1. Open Site Settings in the drop-down menu
  2. Click on the Open Settings tab
  3. Go to the General section
  4. Next, paste the script below into the End of <body> tag section:
<script defer>
  const inkeepScript = document.getElementById("inkeep-script");
  // configure and initialize the widget
  const addInkeepWidget = () => {
    const targetElement = document.getElementById("inkeepEmbeddedChat");
    // Only initialize if the element exists and the widget hasn't been added yet
    if (targetElement && !targetElement.hasAttribute("data-inkeep-loaded")) {
      targetElement.setAttribute("data-inkeep-loaded", "true"); // Mark as loaded
      const inkeepWidget = Inkeep().embed({
        componentType: "EmbeddedChat",
        targetElement: document.getElementById("inkeepEmbeddedChat"),
        properties: {
          stylesheetUrls: ["/path/to/stylesheets"], // optional
          baseSettings: {
            apiKey: "INKEEP_API_KEY", // required
            integrationId: "INKEEP_INTEGRATION_ID", // required
            organizationId: "INKEEP_ORGANIZATION_ID", // required
            primaryBrandColor: "#26D6FF", // your brand color, widget color scheme is derived from this
            organizationDisplayName: "Inkeep",
            // ...optional settings,
          modalSettings: {
            // optional settings
          searchSettings: {
            // optional settings
          aiChatSettings: {
            // optional settings
            botAvatarSrcUrl: "", // use your own bot avatar
            quickQuestions: [
              "Example question 1?",
              "Example question 2?",
              "Example question 3?",
  const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
    for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
      if (mutation.type === "childList") {
        const targetElement = document.getElementById("inkeepEmbeddedChat");
        if (targetElement) {
  const observeDOM = () => {
    const config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
    observer.observe(document.body, config);
  inkeepScript.addEventListener("load", () => {
    if (document.body) {
  window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => {

Save custom code

Click on the Save button. Navigate to your web application and reload the page, to make sure the widget is installed correctly.

For a full list of customizations, check out the Embedded Chat documentation.

On this page