
Redocly Developer Hubs provide a way to build sites for your documentation from plain Markdown files.

Get an API key

  1. Go to the Inkeep Dashboard
  2. Select your project under Projects
  3. Go to the Integrations tab
  4. Click on Create integration
  5. Select Web
  6. Provide a Name and URL (optional) for the integration
  7. Click on Create
  8. Click the Example < /> button to get your API key and view suggested settings

Attach the script

Attach the addInkeep.js script in the siteConfig.yaml file:

  - ./static/addInkeep.js

Create the addInkeep.js script

Create an addInkeep.js file in your static folder.

touch static/addInkeep.js

Now, create a container and configure the search bar component.

// Function for adding a script to the page
const addScript = (src, type = "module", defer = true) => {
  const script = document.createElement("script");
  script.src = src;
  script.type = type;
  script.defer = defer;
  return script;

// Function for customizing the widget configuration
const inkeepConfig = (targetElement) => ({
  componentType: "SearchBar",
  properties: {
    baseSettings: {
      apiKey: "INKEEP_API_KEY", // required
      integrationId: "INKEEP_INTEGRATION_ID", // required
      organizationId: "INKEEP_ORGANIZATION_ID", // required
      primaryBrandColor: "#26D6FF", // your brand color, widget color scheme is derived from this
      organizationDisplayName: "Inkeep",
      // ...optional settings
      theme: {
        // stylesheetUrls: ['/path/to/stylesheets'], // optional
        // ...optional settings
    modalSettings: {
      // optional settings
    searchSettings: {
      // optional settings
    aiChatSettings: {
      // optional settings
      botAvatarSrcUrl: "/img/logo.svg", // use your own bot avatar
      quickQuestions: [
        "Example question 1?",
        "Example question 2?",
        "Example question 3?",

// Function for initializating the widget 
const addInkeepWidget = () => {
  const search = document.getElementById("search")?.parentNode;

  if (!search) return;

  search.style.height = "auto";
  search.innerHTML = "";


  const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
    const search = document.getElementById("search")?.parentNode;

    if (!search) return;

    const inkeepPortals = document.getElementsByTagName("inkeep-portal");

    Array.from(inkeepPortals)?.forEach((inkeepPortal) => {

    search.innerHTML = "";
    search.style.height = "auto";

    inkeepConfig(search).targetElement = search;
    // Embed the widget using the `Inkeep.embed()` function.

  observer.observe(document.head, { childList: true });

// Adding the script and initializing the widget
const inkeepWidgetScript = document.createElement("script");
inkeepWidgetScript.defer = true;
inkeepWidgetScript.innerHTML = addInkeepWidget.toString();


const embedScript = addScript(

embedScript.addEventListener("load", addInkeepWidget);

For a full list of customizations, check out the Search Bar documentation.