
Add an Embedded AI Chat to your Nextra docs

What is Nextra

Nextra is a framework for creating content-focused websites using Next.js and markdown.

Get an API key

  1. Go to the Inkeep Dashboard
  2. Select your project under Projects
  3. Go to the Integrations tab
  4. Click on Create integration
  5. Select Web
  6. Provide a Name.
  7. Specify a URL for where this integration will be used.
  8. For production API keys, leave Enforce referrer URL checked.
  9. Click on Create
  10. Click the Example < /> button to get your API key and view suggested settings

For local or staging API keys, see here.

Copy and add the apiKey, integrationId and organizationId to your environment variables:


Install the component library

npm install @inkeep/uikit
bun add @inkeep/uikit
pnpm add @inkeep/uikit
yarn add @inkeep/uikit

Customize your settings

Create a useInkeepSettings.ts file that will contain a hook that will return the configuration for Inkeep component(s).

import { useTheme } from "nextra-theme-docs";
const useInkeepSettings = () => {
  const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme();
  const baseSettings = {
    apiKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INKEEP_API_KEY!,
    integrationId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INKEEP_INTEGRATION_ID!,
    organizationId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INKEEP_ORGANIZATION_ID!,
    primaryBrandColor: "#26D6FF", // your brand color, widget color scheme is derived from this
    organizationDisplayName: "Inkeep",
    // ...optional settings
    colorMode: {
      forcedColorMode: resolvedTheme, // to sync dark mode with the widget
  const modalSettings = {
    // optional settings
  const searchSettings = {
    // optional settings
  const aiChatSettings = {
    // optional settings
    botAvatarSrcUrl: "/img/logo.svg", // use your own bot avatar
    quickQuestions: [
      "Example question 1?",
      "Example question 2?",
      "Example question 3?",
  return { baseSettings, aiChatSettings, searchSettings, modalSettings };
export default useInkeepSettings;
import type {
} from "@inkeep/uikit";
import { useTheme } from "nextra-theme-docs";
type InkeepSharedSettings = {
  baseSettings: InkeepBaseSettings;
  aiChatSettings: InkeepAIChatSettings;
  searchSettings: InkeepSearchSettings;
  modalSettings: InkeepModalSettings;
const useInkeepSettings = (): InkeepSharedSettings => {
  const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme();
  const baseSettings: InkeepBaseSettings = {
    apiKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INKEEP_API_KEY!,
    integrationId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INKEEP_INTEGRATION_ID!,
    organizationId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INKEEP_ORGANIZATION_ID!,
    primaryBrandColor: "#26D6FF", // your brand color, widget color scheme is derived from this
    organizationDisplayName: "Inkeep",
    // ...optional settings
    colorMode: {
      forcedColorMode: resolvedTheme, // to sync dark mode with the widget
  const modalSettings: InkeepModalSettings = {
    // optional settings
  const searchSettings: InkeepSearchSettings = {
    // optional settings
  const aiChatSettings: InkeepAIChatSettings = {
    // optional settings
    botAvatarSrcUrl: "/img/logo.svg", // use your own bot avatar
    quickQuestions: [
      "Example question 1?",
      "Example question 2?",
      "Example question 3?",
  return { baseSettings, aiChatSettings, searchSettings, modalSettings };
export default useInkeepSettings;

Make sure to add your Inkeep identifiers to your environment settings.

Define the component

Create an InkeepEmbeddedChat.tsx file for the Embedded Chat component.

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import useInkeepSettings from "@/utils/useInkeepSettings";
export default function InkeepEmbeddedChat() {
  const [EmbeddedChat, setEmbeddedChat] = useState(null);
  const { baseSettings, aiChatSettings } = useInkeepSettings();
  // load the library asynchronously
  useEffect(() => {
    const loadEmbeddedChat = async () => {
      try {
        const { InkeepEmbeddedChat } = await import("@inkeep/uikit");
        setEmbeddedChat(() => InkeepEmbeddedChat);
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Failed to load EmbeddedChat:", error);
  }, []);
  const embeddedChatProps = {
  return EmbeddedChat && <EmbeddedChat {...embeddedChatProps} />;
import { ReactNode, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import useInkeepSettings from "@/utils/useInkeepSettings";
import type { InkeepEmbeddedChatProps } from "@inkeep/uikit";
export default function InkeepEmbeddedChat() {
  const [EmbeddedChat, setEmbeddedChat] =
    useState<(e: InkeepEmbeddedChatProps) => JSX.Element | ReactNode>();
  const { baseSettings, aiChatSettings } = useInkeepSettings();
  // load the library asynchronously
  useEffect(() => {
    const loadEmbeddedChat = async () => {
      try {
        const { InkeepEmbeddedChat } = await import("@inkeep/uikit");
        setEmbeddedChat(() => InkeepEmbeddedChat);
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Failed to load EmbeddedChat:", error);
  }, []);
  const embeddedChatProps: InkeepEmbeddedChatProps = {
  return EmbeddedChat && <EmbeddedChat {...embeddedChatProps} />;

Use the component

Now to add the InkeepEmbeddedChat.tsx component follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page - Ask AI ✨
    touch pages/ask-ai.mdx
  1. Initialize the page in the _meta.json file:
  // ...
  "ask-ai": "Ask AI ✨"
  // ...
  1. Add a widget to the page:
# Ask AI
import InkeepEmbeddedChat from "@/components/InkeepEmbeddedChat";
<InkeepEmbeddedChat />

For a full list of customizations, check out the Embedded Chat documentation.

On this page