What is Docsy

Docsy is a theme for the Hugo static site generator that’s specifically designed for technical documentation sets and has a lot of best practices built in.

Get an API key

  1. Go to the Inkeep Dashboard
  2. Select your project under Projects
  3. Go to the Integrations tab
  4. Click on Create integration
  5. Select Web
  6. Provide a Name and URL (optional) for the integration
  7. Click on Create
  8. Click the Example < /> button to get your API key and view suggested settings

Create the head-end.html file

Create an head-end.html file at the path layouts/partials/hooks

touch layouts/partials/hooks/head-end.html

Load the script files

Add the below scripts to the head-end.html file:


<script src="/js/addInkeep.js" defer></script>

Create the addInkeep.js script

Create an addInkeep.js file in your static/js folder.

touch static/js/addInkeep.js
Disable the default search in the config.toml (or hugo.toml) file, by setting the offlineSearch parameter to false.

Now, create a container and configure the search bar component.

// Create an HTML element that the Inkeep widget will be inserted into.
const nav = document.querySelector("nav");
const sidebar = document.getElementById("td-sidebar-menu");

const inkeepNavDiv = document.createElement("div");
inkeepNavDiv.id = "navSearchBar";

const inkeepSidebarDiv = document.createElement("div");
inkeepSidebarDiv.id = "sideSearchBar";
sidebar && sidebar.prepend(inkeepSidebarDiv);

// Function for initializating the widget.
const addInkeepWidget = ({
}) => {
  // Embed the widget using the `Inkeep.embed()` function.
  const inkeepWidget = Inkeep().embed({
    componentType: "SearchBar",
    properties: {
      baseSettings: {
        apiKey: "INKEEP_API_KEY", // required
        integrationId: "INKEEP_INTEGRATION_ID", // required
        organizationId: "INKEEP_ORGANIZATION_ID", // required
        primaryBrandColor: "#26D6FF", // your brand color, widget color scheme is derived from this
        organizationDisplayName: "Inkeep",
        // ...optional settings
        theme: {
          // ...optional settings
      modalSettings: {
        // optional settings
      searchSettings: {
        // optional settings
      aiChatSettings: {
        // optional settings
        botAvatarSrcUrl: "/img/logo.svg", // use your own bot avatar
        quickQuestions: [
          "Example question 1?",
          "Example question 2?",
          "Example question 3?",

sidebar &&
    targetElement: document.getElementById("sideSearchBar"),
    stylesheetUrls: ['/path/to/stylesheets'], // optional
    isShortcutKeyEnabled: false,

  targetElement: document.getElementById("navSearchBar"),
  stylesheetUrls: ['/path/to/stylesheets'], // optional
  isShortcutKeyEnabled: true,

For a full list of customizations, check out the Search Bar documentation.