What is Docusaurus

Docusaurus is an open-source documentation platform powered by MDX and React.

Install the Inkeep plugin

npm install @inkeep/docusaurus

Define the widget

Аdd the chat button as a theme in your docusaurus.config.js file:

themes: ["@inkeep/docusaurus/chatButton"],

Сonfiguration settings

Next, configure the widget in the themeConfig property:

  themeConfig: {
    inkeepConfig: {
      stylesheetUrls: ['/path/to/stylesheets'], // optional
      baseSettings: {
        apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", // required
        integrationId: "YOUR_INTEGRATION_ID", // required
        organizationId: "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID", // required
        primaryBrandColor: "#26D6FF", // required -- your brand color, the widget color scheme is derived from this
        organizationDisplayName: "Inkeep",
        // ...optional settings
        theme: {
          syntaxHighlighter: {
            lightTheme: lightCodeTheme, // optional -- pass in the prism theme you're using
            darkTheme: darkCodeTheme, // optional -- pass in the prism theme you're using
      modalSettings: {
        // optional settings
      searchSettings: {
        // optional settings
      aiChatSettings: {
        // optional settings
        botAvatarSrcUrl: "/img/logo.svg", // optional -- use your own bot avatar
        quickQuestions: [
          "Example question 1?",
          "Example question 2?",
          "Example question 3?",

For a full list of customizations, check out the Common Settings.