How it Works

Prefer a video walkthrough? Check out this video.

Keep's Smart Assist analyzes the current ticket along with your public and private content to generate intelligent suggestions that help move the ticket forward.

Suggestions can include:

  1. Draft Answers: Editable responses that are likely to resolve the ticket.

  2. Quick Links: The most relevant sources for the ticket, such as docs, previous support tickets, and Slack threads.

  3. Summaries & To-Do's: Summaries of long conversations and actionable remaining to-dos.

  4. Other: Quick replies, sentiment analysis, and other helpful insights.

Keep is fully conversational - support agents can ask for clarifications or even request modifications to suggested answers.

Add Private Sources

The Support Copilot can leverage your public content like docs and help center content just like your customer-facing bots. It can also leverage private content, like Slack conversations in internal channels and historical support tickets.

If you'd like to use your Support Copilot with private sources, ask the Inkeep team to set up a seperate project with those sources. You can get started with the copilot in your public project and set this up later.

Generate an API Key

To get started with the Support Copilot, get an API key:

  1. Go to the Inkeep Dashboard
  2. Select your project under Projects
  3. Navigate to the Integrations tab
  4. Click on Create integration
  5. Select Support Copilot
  6. Give it a name like "Support Copilot"
  7. Click on Create
  8. Copy the generated API key

Install the Zendesk App

  1. Access Zendesk: Log in to your Zendesk account with administrator credentials.

  2. Install the Application: Go to the App Listing or navigate to the Zendesk Marketplace and search for “Keep AI Copilot for Support”. Click the Install button to begin the installation process.

  3. Authorize Installation: Review and accept the requested permissions.

  4. Configure the App: Follow the prompts to set up the app, including inputting your Inkeep Support Copilot API key that you generated in the previous step.

  5. Optimize Display: Pin the app to the support sidebar for the best chat experience.

Use with a ticket

To use Keep with a support ticket:

  1. Open a support ticket in Zendesk
  2. Open the Inkeep app on the right side bar
  3. Click on Smart Assist

Turn Tickets into FAQs

Keep allows you to improve future AI responses by drafting FAQs from resolved support tickets.

  1. Open a Resolved Ticket: Navigate to a resolved support ticket in your system.

  2. Generate FAQ: In the Keep interface, click on Ticket into FAQ to have Keep generate an FAQ.

  3. Review and Save:

    • Review the generated FAQ items.
    • Chat with the copilot to request modifications as needed.
    • Click Save to KB when satisfied.
  4. Manage FAQs:

    • Go to the Inkeep Dashboard
    • Navigate to the Project with your Copilot
    • Click on the Tuning FAQs tab to view all FAQs for that project
    • From here, you can edit, create, and enable or disable FAQs.

Generated FAQs should already be stripped of sensitive information and could be used as customer-facing FAQs. However, you can choose to use the FAQ source from only your private project. By default the FAQs are used only by the project that the Support Copilot was created in.